Written By: Zach Champ
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(Blog Cover Photo Made by INSPIRE with MIDJOURNEY)
America finds itself grappling with a disturbing trend that has been steadily growing over the past few decades. The emergence of armed militias, operating outside the purview of state governments and lacking affiliation with the national guard, has become a pressing concern.
These militias provide military training and firearms expertise to their members, often coupled with extremist ideologies and racist doctrines. They claim their actions are protected under the guise of constitutional rights, primarily the freedom of speech, assembly, and the Second Amendment.
However, the consequences of their actions are dire, as innocent civilians, particularly minorities and those deemed as opposing their cause, often become the targets of their violence.
This issue, which poses a far greater threat to American citizens than jihadist terrorism, has regrettably received inadequate attention from both the current political administration and federal law enforcement agencies.
While there are domestic terrorist groups affiliated with various political ideologies, it is vital to acknowledge that extreme right-wing groups are more numerous and pose a greater danger compared to their left-leaning counterparts. This imbalance is further exacerbated by the historical roots of racism-driven domestic terrorism, which has plagued America for generations.
Extreme right-wing groups, bolstered by their militia networks, possess the potential to evolve into a domestic version of ISIS, utilizing their military training to enforce their political, religious, and societal philosophies on others.
Furthermore, there is a growing concern that these groups and their ideological supporters may have infiltrated government institutions at the local, state, and federal levels. Their belief in a "race war" fuels their violent activities, indiscriminately targeting innocent people and making them a formidable threat to the American public, regardless of ethnicity.
To comprehend the present-day threat posed by domestic terrorists and extremist militias, it is imperative to examine the Second Amendment and the prevailing gun culture in the United States.
The Second Amendment states: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
This concise statement, alongside its legal interpretations, grants American citizens the right to own firearms and form militias.
Americans love firearms. Guns are an integral part of American culture. It is believed that Americans own close to 393 million firearms, representing close to half of the World’s total number of civilian-held weapons. American gun ownership eclipses all other countries in gun ownership by almost double.
America's obsession with firearms has created this myth that “America could never be invaded or taken over by an enemy force” due to how many Americans own guns and have military training… but what if America wasn’t fighting an external enemy, what if the enemy was within?
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), there are an estimated 61 active militia groups across the United States as of 2022.
The two largest militias in the United States are the Oath Keepers and 3 Percenters, both groups which have ties to the extremist far right.
Militias have been implicated in breaking the law several times through actions such as the violent takeover of Federally owned land (The Bundy’s and Malheur Refuge incident), kidnapping illegal immigrants on the border (acting as de facto border agents), the storming of the US Capitol during January 6th, and more.
Militia’s often act as sovereign groups that are not beholden to the authority of Federal or State governments. In their own views they are above the law, which is of course a dangerous perspective when considering the safety of a diverse and inclusive community. Militias think they can make the rules and use violence to enforce their viewpoints, undermining the whole purpose and point of a democratic, civil society.
In my view, the militia represents a responsive element of the local community rather than a means to challenge the authority of the Federal Government, as some extremist groups claim.
It serves as a local resource that provides disaster relief, emergency services, and protects community infrastructure in collaboration with law enforcement and relevant agencies.
The true purpose of a militia is to safeguard the well-being of the community, not to target or ostracize its members, nor engage in paramilitary operations. It is crucial to recognize that the Second Amendment does not endorse violence or terrorism against fellow citizens, even under the guise of protecting individual rights. Any group that engages in such behavior has transitioned into a terrorist organization.
One must question why the behavior exhibited by these extremist militias is not tolerated in civilian populations of countries currently under occupation, such as Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
We condemn such actions abroad, recognizing the destabilizing effect and the threat they pose to innocent lives.
Therefore, it becomes imperative to address this issue at home with equal vigor, applying the same principles and standards that we advocate abroad.
The rise of domestic militias and the increasing threat they pose to American society demand urgent attention. Acknowledging the historical roots of racism-driven domestic terrorism and the danger posed by extreme right-wing groups is crucial to crafting effective solutions.
It is imperative for the current political administration and federal law enforcement agencies to recognize this threat, allocate appropriate resources, and address the issue head-on!
Militia’s should not be operating as paramilitary groups on American soil.
They pose an unnecessary risk and danger to the safety of the community through their actions and lack of government oversight.
The political ideology of most militia’s is often based on extremist hate filled viewpoints that target minorities including people of color, LGBT community, and even women (misogyny abound in these circles!).
If someone wants to protect and serve their community, the most appropriate group to join would be the National Guard, as the National Guard is authorized, tasked, and funded by the State for such purposes, whereas many militias are privately run by groups of individuals, and rely on illegal activities such as drug dealing, illegal gun smuggling, and more to fund their operations.